miércoles, 22 de julio de 2020

What Causes Secondary Infertility?

Many people have never heard of secondary infertility. This is a case where women have one child or more, but experience infertility with subsequent attempts at pregnancy. For some women, they also experienced infertility with the first pregnancy, but not all do. Here are some reasons for secondary infertility.


Lifestyle Factors

If women gain weight, begin smoking, or drinking, women can find that they suddenly cannot conceive as well. The biggest factor here is probably weight gain since most people do not start smoking or drinking late in life. This may be different for different people, though.


Aging slows many processes in our bodies and reproduction is one of them. Women often do not ovulate as often as they age and may begin to enter into early menopause without knowing. Medications that are common as we get older can also hinder fertility.

Conditions Present Before

While women with endometriosis and PCOS do not always experience infertility, they sometimes experience secondary infertility. When their condition was the only factor, they had little to no issue conceiving, but as soon as age and weight become a factor fertility becomes compromised. PCOS and diabetes mellitus 2 are also commonly seen together in patients and this can impact many body systems. Pregnancy can be much more complicated for diabetics.

Male Infertility

Just as women, men often have more complications as they get older. They can also experience secondary infertility due to decreased spermcount and motility. Lifestyle factors can also affect this. If he is a smoker and has been for many years, this can impact his sperm count and motility greatly.

Unknown Reasons

No one knows why some women have secondary infertility rather than primary. Some women have both for no clear reason. If you have had any fertility concerns, you may have them again.

egg donation

Final Thoughts

Before trying to conceive, you should always talk to your doctor—males and females alike. If you have underlying risk factors, your doctor will talk to you about how to combat or minimize those. He or she will also talk to you about how long you should try to conceive before seeking fertility help and specialists. If you are not healthy enough for pregnancy, your doctor can refer you for services or help you prepare your body for conception. If you begin trying and cannot get pregnant, revisit your doctor so that he or she may determine why. Good luck.